Up From The Grave by Jeanine Frost– My Review and Thoughts (Warning MAJOR spoilers) V””V

Up From The Grave


Up From The Grave is the 7th and final installment in the Cat and Bones books in the Night Huntress series.  Now before the die hard fans start questioning those numbers and throwing around the fact that there are other short stories and other books set in this world (that really from a time line point of view you need to read to fully appreciate this series) let me point out that from Jeaniene Frost herself this is BOOK 7 and the FINAL chapter in what has been an amazing ride.

Having waited 2 years for this book to come out imagine my glee at getting my hands on it a couple of days early.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have no patience and so I have of course already finished it.  Now here is your warning to make an escape if you haven’t read it…. there are about to be some major spoilers.  Were I not the one writing this, I would have to had clicked and read it because I am a self confessed spoiler whore …. BUT I would have been sad that I did.

That being said , my husband is sick of hearing about it, none of my friends have access to read it … and I HAVE TO SHARE my thoughts  SOMEWHERE … so here it is. You have been warned and are now reading at your own risk.

Right there here we go ……. Let me start by saying  WOW what an amazing end to the series.  Jeaniene really did herself proud! Fans will not be disappointed  because as I sat here and read, totally absorbed until I reached the end … (which came a little faster than I expected because there are previews of ALL the formed books in the series at the end making you think there are valuable extra pages that aren’t actually relevant Grrrrrrrrr), I laughed, I nodded, I gasped …… it was a thrilling ride!

We FINALLY get to find out what the deal is with Madigan and although we all knew it was bad because Don didn’t want to share I don’t think anyone knew it was THIS bad.  He has a lab with lots of experimenting going on but he messed things up in a ROYAL fashion when he decided that he needed to kidnap not one of Cat’s old team …. but ALL of them.  Yes he takes Cooper, Juan and Tate and thinks that Cat isn’t going to notice.  Hmmmmmm STUPID!!!    It does make some very amazing rescue scenarios that start with what appears to be the death of Bones.  HUH Jeanine you didn’t fool me this time.  We have played the bones rotting away to nothing card before so I worked that one out! Oh and the mouse trick …… saw that one coming too 😀  Yes I am getting good at this.

What I didn’t see coming was that Cat has a daughter!! Yes you read that correctly … and guess what else .. there is a good chance that it is TATE’s … hmmmmm yes muse on that for a bit lol.   Of course I could explain that … but I won’t Mwahahahahaha.

All the favorites make an appearance (although some much briefer than others …. Vlad, Annette ……) Ian is brilliant (and a Trekkie … who knew) and his fans will LOVE the scenes he has in this ….. Spade and Denise play huge roles (well Denise more than Spade) Mencheres, Kira, Fabian and Marie are around ….  and even Timmie makes an appearance.   I was pleased that there was a real sense of closure whilst leaving the opportunity open for our main duo to come back if needed……. right now they are off on an island raising Katie the daughter from hell and as she was already executed, publicly, so that the Law Guardians, Ghouls, and pretty much everyone else that you wouldn’t want after you would leave them alone (she has her head cut off ……. but it wasn’t really her ……. if you can’t figure out who it actually was then pay better attention lol)…… and now they all have to stay out of sight possibly forever??? The child is growing though so we may even get her story sometime way down the line.  That will make interesting reading.

At the end of the day nobody important is lost, you don’t feel that this was a cliche end, and yet it feels right.  Jeaniene has been quoted as saying that she has known from the beginning where the end would take us and although from previous books I would never have guessed I think that she got it right.

Kudos for a brilliant end to a brilliant series!!

Mad about the spoilers? Guess you shouldn’t have read it … although trust me I could have posted more.   Have specific questions? Feel free to ask and I will answer in spoilerific detail 😀
